Life is a constant learning experience. We often face challenges that test our strength, values, and sense of self. But there are some lessons that stand the test of time—truths that can help guide us through the toughest moments.

I was inspired by a popular rap artist Kash Doll and her song “Kash Kommandments”. I don’t know if she meant for this song to be inspiring or to potentially help someone through a tough time in their life but, that is exactly what it did for me. Music has always been a way for me to express my feelings or give me comfort. When I was in a very low place in my life, on the verge of divorce with three kids, a farm full of pets and a job that I knew wouldn’t be able to support my current lifestyle I spiraled into a deep dark place. My mind was constantly thinking and worrying about the future . I couldn’t see how I was going to be able to make it alone.

While I still haven’t solved all the worlds problems, this song became a starting point for me while helping to lift my spirits with its upbeat tempo. While I understand her style of music isn’t for everyone, I do believe her meaning behind the words is very useful and helpful for a large portion of the population. So, here are ten important life lessons that I believe everyone should keep in mind.

1. Never let anyone fuck you over more than once.
Trust is everything, and once it’s broken, it’s hard to rebuild. If someone takes advantage of you or wrongs you, don’t let it slide. Learn from the experience and don’t allow yourself to be hurt by the same person again. Life is too short to give second chances to those who continuously disrespect you.

2. Hold people accountable when they owe you something.
Whether it’s money, time, or promises, if someone owes you something, don’t let them forget it. Asking someone to keep their word is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength. Stand firm in your expectations and don’t let yourself be treated like a doormat. You deserve respect.

3. Respect your own privacy.
We live in a world where everyone is constantly sharing their lives online, but not everything needs to be on display. Respect your privacy, and don’t expect everyone to see things the way you do. Protect your boundaries, and understand that not everyone will appreciate or understand your need for space.

4. People change.
Friends, family, and acquaintances will evolve over time. Someone who’s on your side today might not be tomorrow. It’s important to keep this in mind and not take things too personally when relationships shift. People are not static; neither should you be.

5. Stay financially independent.
Even if life is going well and you’re able to rely on others for financial support, always keep yourself in a position of financial independence. You never know when things might change unexpectedly. Being able to stand on your own two feet financially gives you peace of mind and control over your future.

6. Stick to your values.
In a world full of pressure, it’s easy to be swayed by outside influences. But never lose sight of your responsibilities or your values. Don’t let anyone pull you away from what you believe in. Stand your ground, and make decisions that align with your principles.

7. Put your family first.
No matter how successful you are in your career or how many friends you have, at the end of the day, your family and kids should always come first. You might be replaceable in many situations, but to your family, you are irreplaceable. Prioritize the ones who love you unconditionally.

8. Believe in yourself.
Self-doubt can be paralyzing, but remember—you’re capable of more than you think. Believe in your ability to learn, grow, and succeed. Confidence in yourself is the first step to achieving your dreams, and there’s nothing stopping you from reaching them.

9. Stand up for yourself.
You are your best advocate. If you don’t speak up for yourself, who will? Whether it’s in your personal life, career, or when standing up for your beliefs, always assert your worth. No one should treat you less than you deserve.

10. Prioritize your health—mental and physical.
Your health is your most valuable asset. Don’t take it for granted. Make time for both physical activity and mental health care. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others and continue to live a fulfilling life. When your body and mind are in balance, you can face anything that comes your way.

    Life can throw a lot of curveballs, but by holding onto these lessons, you’ll find that you’re better prepared for what’s next. You have the power to shape your own destiny—don’t forget that. Stay true to yourself, and remember to live with intention.